[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’PROJECT S.M.I.L.E.: Spreading Positivity thru Nature Conservation’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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I am telling you folks, this isn’t a joke. Climate Change is at large and nature deprivation isn’t something that should be taken for a joke. This is a global phenomenon and everyone of us is at stake. The world is starting to crumble under our feet and it is all because of our personal negligence. Deforestation, illegal fishing, illegal trade of wildlife, irresponsible mining, dumping of toxins to our bodies of water; I can go on for ages, enumerating the ways we are destroying our environment. Humanity has come a long way in improving our everyday lives, but at what cost?

Isn’t it that everything we do is for our children? But what good does technological advancement brings to us if our surrounding has been torn apart? We are blessed with multitude of abundance from nature. Our dear creator has showered our town, Lobo, plenty of these wonders of nature and many of our fellow kababayans are relying to this profusion for their livelihood.

Lobo as declared by the Republic of the Philippines, is an Agro-Ecotourism spot. This means that our town is a nature haven with its people living in it, depending on the ration that nature has to offer. The LGU in partnership with the Lobo Tourism, spearheaded by Ms. Lota L. Manalo, Tourism Chairman has valiantly announced its war against Climate Change. SMILE (S.ave M.other Earth I.nspire to L.ove the Environment) is a nature sensitive project that aims to protect and preserve our local ecological treasures.


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It is a labour of love for our environment. And we all know that this battle is not an easy one. Cooperation, understanding and utmost support not only of the local government but also of the citizens are needed for this project to succeed. We may stumble and fall along the way, but we need to pick up the pieces where we left off and continue on the battle. We need to stand up against the rising tide of circumstances.

Fight for our right. Step up the game. The future is now. For our children, for our tomorrow. Times will change and battles will be harder, sometimes all it takes is just for you to … SMILE.